littlemojo's cross stitch, embroidery, quilting and sewing wip and ufo motivator

Sunday, June 29, 2008


Murphy was an evil bastard.

Can't find the camera so no pics, but I did finish the goal on Magda and the quiltlet. Yay me!

I wish it would stop raining.

I'm going to go watch pointless blood and gore, and finish stitching CTC17. k?

Monday, June 23, 2008

Progress Report

Ornaments done for the month. Lost count, so did 11 instead of 10.

Quiltlet done.

Haven't touched Magda.

Hit 100k on pattern site.

Pics later.

How is it almost the end of June already??

Sunday, June 15, 2008


With a cold. Or the flu. Or something that has turned me into a walking, moaning snot factory. Took a day off work on friday and I didn't even stitch anything - just slept. How rude is that??

Having said that, I managed to have a productive day yesterday, and the week wasn't so bad, so here goes:

Ornament 1: The Christmas star

The Other, Other Secret Birthday Something - Smokey the Cat

Ornament 2 (and 3 and 4) - Mittens

CTC12 - Insanity. King Lear vs the Fool.

CTC13 - Misfortune. A tukutuku pattern showing the story of roimata toroa - the tears of the albatross.

The pattern website will be pretty static till I get my shit together, which isn't looking likely any time soon.

I think that's all.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Just the pix, ma'am.

The secret birthday something. W00t!

The May Quiltlet
They tell me, all the wise women that I know, that it doesn't matter how old they are, when your children are in pain the mother in you cries out.

I tell them, all the wise women that I know, that when your mother is in pain, it doesn't matter how old you are, the child in you cries out.


Trying to represent pain is not an easy thing to do. Chronic, long term pain is insidious, it tears holes in the most carefully ordered of lives. Taking a steak knife to something you just spend three hours quilting is also not an easy thing to do.

CTC10 - Breathe Again
Think Toni Braxton and you'll get there eventually...

CTC11 - Memory
"Midnight. Something something something streetlights..." Meh.

Hoping y'all are having a good week.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

And No Returns

Okay, so its June. Two pics - one of the xmastree ornaments from last month and a snowflake one that I did today towards this month's total.

Goals for June -
1. two sets of symbols from the Magdalene in the new section. Pics this week, I promise.
2. ten ornaments or I will never get the damn things done in time
3. secret birthday something by the 8th
4. other secret birthday something by the 28th

Keeping it short this month because its going to be a long one at work. Also, taking some steps back form the website because it is an enormous time sink.

Anyway, I've had my first play with plastic canvas in the last week, and I'm liking it. Not the fiddly cutting out stuff, but the scope for free form 3-d stuff. Expect to see more of it here in the future. 

And last but not least - CTC 8 and 9


“That's what it takes to be a hero, a little gem of innocence inside you that makes you want to believe that there still exists a right and wrong, that decency will somehow triumph in the end” - Lise Hand


Catch you on the flipside